How to Use Buyer Personas to Guide Your Ad Targeting

“Imagine your customer is your best friend—listen to their concerns, be a shoulder to lean on, and then shift the focus from what went wrong to how you can help make it right” – Rachel Hogue.
How to get product reviews on Shopify?

Although no orders have been sold, our recommendations can still help you collect and show off the best customer reviews to boost sales.
How to Increase Your Google Ads Conversion Rate

Would you believe if someone tells you that an average business spends around $10,000 to $15,000 on Google Ads? This is how advanced and important Google Ads are. In the last few years, more and more companies are spending their hard-earned resources and time in mastering this marketing strategy.
10 Google Shopping Ads Strategies To Up Your Game In 2020

Undeniably, you have encountered Google Shopping Ads. With every online search, these advertisements appear. This means you cannot ignore the presence of Google shopping ads. When compared to traditional search ads, Google Shopping Ads can be highly effective. This is mainly because the products are displayed against high-quality images, and product details that really matter […]