Here is a collection of their advice, along with some snapshots of their lives.
Share a professional tip that has changed how you work?
I prefer talking to people, rather than email. It clears up issues quicker and, especially these days, it’s a good way to get to know people. – Valerie
Don’t forget the three Cs of productivity: coffee, coffee, and more coffee! – Helen
Communication and having good relations with everyone in the team and company. There is a lot to learn from every individual, which really leads to benefits in the long run. – Krishani
I find it very useful, and even essential now at this point, to always work with labels on my emails, so I can easily find specific subjects/clients’ correspondence whenever I need them. It became a very important habit to always label them. – Mayra
It’s a simple one, but I like writing lists rather than letting tasks float around in your head. It really helps me to write everything down and split them into subtasks. I’d prefer this for my own tasks rather than the online tools. Even the act of writing helps me think through problems. – Claire
Take notes during meetings on what others are saying to help stay focused and avoid getting distracted. – Sapna
Everything happens one step at a time, even great things. – Hilary
Discovering the Snipping Tool saved me so much time I was otherwise wasting cropping screengrabs in Paint! If you’re not using this on PC, you’re in for a game-changer when you do start. – Nina

Share a general life tip–something you’ve learned during the pandemic or anything that’s helped you make your life a little bit better or easier.
Valerie reminds us, “We don’t know what’s going on in anybody else’s life or in their last five minutes, so try and be kind and respectful.”
“It might be easier said than done at the moment, but I think having a sense of humor and appreciating the small things (e.g. that first sip of coffee in the morning) never hurts,” says Helen.
Krishani advises, “Learning to be happy in every situation. Time passes quickly whether it is a good time or a bad time.”
Mayra suggests, “In order to keep our mental health and have a less stressful life, it’s important to avoid checking work emails and messages out of working hours. I think it was important to me to have my email windows closed during the weekends and breaks and try to avoid sending work messages after work hours or weekends, as well. It’s good to try to focus on things unrelated to work like looking after the house, plants, start some hobbies, etc.”
“It is definitely to appreciate the green space, waterways, and wildlife around you. I saw and photographed my first kingfisher right here in Dublin, something I thought would only happen outside the city. It was within 3 kilometers of my home. I don’t think I would have found this without the lockdown,” Claire recommends.
Quoting John Mulaney, Sapna says, “Take comfort in being told you can’t do anything or see anyone because you’re not lazy or antisocial for doing it. You’re following the law.”
Hilary reminds us, “Find the silver lining in everything and don’t sweat the small stuff.”
“If I’ve learned anything over the past year, it’s to enjoy the present. I’m a planner and tend to live in the future, constantly imagining things to come. The uncertainty, canceled trips, and scary moments in this year have shown me the value in appreciating where you are, who you have in your life, and what you’re blessed with now,” comments Nina.
Give us a fun fact!
I’ve 5 sons and they’ve taught me that housework is not important – good food is (and lots of it)! – Valerie
Coffee beans are fruit pits and not beans. – Helen
I am from Mumbai (India). They say that this city never sleeps and it’s true … and it’s a city of dreams. – Krishani
Lisbon was one of the first (if not THE first) international cities to buy in Guinness. That’s why I moved here (ha ha). – Mayra
The first manager of Liverpool F.C., ‘Honest’ John McKenna, was from the village of Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. He was responsible for getting them promoted into the Football League in the 1890s and became their chairman later. He served them for 40 years and oversaw the development of what is now ‘the Kop’. His coffin was carried by 3 Liverpool and 3 Everton fans as he worked with both clubs and tried to heal the rift between them. – Claire
Indian Pale Ale was invented by British sailors while sailing to India. They used to load up barrels of beer with hops because hops were a preservative. The hops hung around in the beer for so long that they lost their fruity flavour and left a bitter-tasting beer! – Sapna
Wombats can crush the skulls of predators with their bottoms.
In the 1980s, unexplained undersea noises led to tension between Sweden and Russia, who were accused of sending submarines into Swedish territory. Upon further investigation, the sounds were discovered to be herrings farting. – Hilary
“Vampir” is the only Serbian word that has been adopted into almost all languages. It was first used in reference to an immortal bloodsucking being in 1725 in reference to Petar Blagojevic, who was allegedly 300 years old. – Nina
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge. We at Optily have continued to challenge biases and imbalances often encountered in the tech field. With 33% of the Product Team being female, we’re already beyond the 25% industry average for STEM in Ireland. There’s always room for growth!
Beyond striving for diversity among genders, Optily prides itself in having a very international team with our members truly being global citizens. Here’s where our current team members are from–not including wherever in the world they may currently be!