case study

Driving Performance for Furniturebox with Conjura and Infinity Nation

Infinity Nation, a leading digital growth partner, were tasked with optimising the Google Ads strategy for Furniturebox, a leading online home furniture retailer. With ambitious targets and a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Infinity Nation turned to Conjura to transform their approach and achieve exceptional results.


The Problem

Relying on Google poses more questions 

Furniturebox had a clear approach: spending was unlimited as long as a 5x ROAS was maintained.

The team’s initial approach to Google’s Performance Max campaigns highlighted several pain points. They found that over-relying on Google’s generic recommendations often yielded suboptimal results. Google’s “black box” provided limited understanding, making it difficult to gain actionable insights.

To counter this, Infinity Nation implemented a series of custom scripts to track and analyse Pmax performance. These scripts provided crucial data on asset group performance and spending across different channels, revealing that Shopping was the best-performing channel.

Despite having this knowledge and transitioning more campaigns from Pmax to Smart Shopping, Infinity Nation were reliant on the client to provide feedback on loss-making products and poor LTV contributors which added time to the optimisation and learning process.


The Solution

Transformation with Conjura 

Conjura’s advanced product profitability analysis allowed Infinity Nation to become more agile and precise in their campaign management. They could now create supplemental feeds to narrow down ad groups at the product level, significantly improving targeting.

A notable change was the creation of smaller, highly optimised ad groups consisting of  2-3 of the most profitable products. This granular approach allowed for better control and performance tracking.

Infinity Nation also began testing a new campaign strategy: removing traditional segmentation and relying solely on Conjura’s supplemental feeds based on contribution profit. This innovative approach promised to streamline campaign management and enhance overall performance.

results achieved

Conjura ad groups hit the top 4 performances instantly

The results of integrating Conjura were impressive; the supplemental feeds built, using intelligence from the Conjura platform allowed Infinity Nation to focus increased spend on products generating a high contribution profit margin.

Ad groups created using Conjura’s data-driven approach saw a 19.5% increase in ROAS (compared to the previous period). One of the new ad groups created with Conjura quickly rose to become one of the top four by contribution profit out of more than 30 ad groups.

5 x ROAS Maintained

While spend increased 46%, revenue outpaced at +48%, maintaining desired ROAS

+48% Revenue

Focusing spend in the right way increased revenue substantially

Top 4 Results

The impact of Conjura's data provided the right KPI mix to catapult new ad groups to the top


Scale, flexibility and more


Conjura enabled Furniturebox to scale their campaigns more efficiently, maintaining or even improving performance as the budget increased.

Enhanced Flexibility

The ability to create precise, data-driven ad groups allowed Infinity Nation to optimise campaign segmentation, improving targeting and overall performance.

Reduced Complexity

By eliminating the need for extensive manual segmentation, Conjura saved Infinity Nation significant time and resources, allowing them to focus on strategic growth initiatives for Furniturbox.



The partnership between Infinity Nation and Conjura demonstrates the transformative power of advanced data solutions in digital marketing. Conjura’s capabilities not only maintained but improved Furniturebox’s campaign performance, setting a new benchmark for success in the competitive online retail space. This story highlights how leveraging granular profitability analysis can drive remarkable results and fuel business growth.

Features used


Optily combines attribution data from ad channels and Shopify providing valuable analytics on customer journey performance.


Opportunities to improve ad spend efficiency are surfaced on a daily basis, directly within your Shopify back-office.


Recommendations, backed up with data, can be instantly instantly actioned to save time navigating between ad accounts.


Optily enables you to maximize the ROI from your ad spend with daily alerts on the biggest opportunities to gain.


Optily has partnered with Clearco to provide you with financial tools to grow your business.

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