How to Optimize Facebook Ads For Conversions on your Shopify Store

Advertising is the game, but ultimately conversions are the goal. By tracking and optimizing your Facebook conversions you can quickly generate more profit for your business. Find out how to right now!

It’s no secret that Facebook is one of, if not the biggest advertising platforms in the world. Marketers and Shopify store owners flock to Facebook like animals to the watering hole.

Facebook’s biggest draw for advertisers, however, isn’t water, it’s the ability to reach millions in your audience, in just a few clicks.

But getting a good ad out there isn’t too hard. Facebook’s elite marketing software allows anyone to create a well-optimized ad quickly and effectively.

The real task is improving your Facebook ad conversion rate on your Shopify page.

Today, let’s discuss how to increase conversions on Facebook ads and optimize Facebook ads for conversions.

Let’s get into it!

What is a Facebook conversion?

A conversion, like in all types of advertising, is when a member of your target audience takes the desired action that you wish them to take from your ad.

The specific type of action may change from business to business and even from ad campaign to campaign. These actions may be:

  • store visits
  • website visits
  • newsletter registrations
  • app downloads
  • sales etc.

Facebook Ad Conversion Rate (CVR) is Facebook’s technology to allow us to see what percentage of visitors have taken that desired action.

By being able to track and analyze CVR, we can, therefore, increase Facebook ad conversion.

Average Facebook Ads Conversion Rate

A good way to get your mindset right and focus on a goal for your ad conversion is to look at the average conversions in your industry. That way you can see how your ads are performing against your industry competitors.

Below is a list of the average conversion rate (CVR)  by industry:

Thanks to the wonderful people at Wordstream we also know that the overall average CVR across all industries on Facebook is 9.21%.

How does your business’s conversion rate compare?

How To Track Facebook Conversions

Tracking and analyzing your CVR is easily accessible in the Ads Manager dashboard. All the basic information regarding your ad campaign including its Facebook conversion rate can be found there.

Our Expert Tip: 

By using the Facebook Pixel and installing it on your website you can create and track actions that are completed by customers outside of Facebook on your website, making  Facebook ads conversion tracking simpler than ever! 

Facebook Ads Conversion Optimization

Now that we know what CVRs are and how we can track each and every conversion on Facebook and on your website, let’s begin creating Facebook ads that convert!

#1. Interest-Based Targeting

Running a Facebook ad gives advertisers enormous potential to get the conversion rates because the market is huge. Narrowing the market down though is one of the first steps needed to optimize Facebook ads conversion campaignsFacebook’s ad targeting is hands down the more versatile and effective targeting software there is.  You can target ads based on:

  • Location

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Interests

  • Relationship status

  • Education

  • Behaviors and more

When targeting users based on their interests, you should notice an increase in your conversions due to the fact that your business is something that these people are genuinely interested in.

However, a mistake many advertisers make with interest targeting is “interest stuffing.” This is when advertisers stuff as many interests as they can think of relating to their ad into their targeting. This will just waste your ad budget plus your ads will be seen by the wrong people. Be accurate with your targeting and choose 4-5 interests that your audience will have.

#2. Make Appealing Ads

To optimize Facebook ads to convert large numbers of people and ultimately drive more sales for your business you have to make the ad compelling.

Capturing the audience’s attention is essential, especially when they only spend an average of 1.7 seconds looking at your ad. Ads must make use of eye-catching imagery and a compelling call to action.

There’s no such thing as a perfect ad. Each industry and each audience will be attracted to different things. So experiment with your ad set and run some A/B testing to determine what works best for your business.

Our Expert Tip:

Using happy images that make the audience feel good can be a great way to get them to stop and engage with your ad. Try a smiling person or a cute puppy!

#3. Direct Call To Action

Conversions are all about getting your target audience to engage and perform an action that you want them to perform. Therefore, a motivating and strong call to action is essential.

Try using strong verbs to evoke emotion in the audience, such as: discover, find, or explore, if you want to convert them to visit your website.

If your goal is a purchase conversion try specific and direct phrases, such as: buy now or sign up.

#4. Lookalike Audiences

What’s better than re-engaging previous customers? Engaging new customers who are similar to your previous clients and are more likely to convert.

This can be done through the magic of Facebook Ads, which will create an audience of similar interest, location and behavior to your best customers.

These customers are more likely to be interested in your product and should help you to optimize your ads.

#5. Optimize Facebook Ads For Conversion

Yes, this is obvious, but I will absolutely mention it because it is so important.

What’s your Facebook ads conversion objective? Conversions, yes?

So, please make sure to literally click the “conversions” box when you are launching your ad. This option will allow Facebook’s algorithm to know exactly what your goal for this ad campaign is and optimize it for that.

You’ll find this box under the “Optimization for Delivery” section of the Budget and Schedule form.

How Optily Can Help your Shopify Store Grow

Optily is a cross-channel advertising optimization software that allows for the simple implementation and management of ads across the largest media platforms available  including Facebook and Google.  Optily creates a data bridge between Facebook Ads and the Google Marketing Platform, which enables real-time optimization across Facebook and Google ads.

We make cross-platform advertising easy and efficient, making Shopify conversions effortless.


Advertising is the game but ultimately conversions are the goal. The more conversions you can create the more profit your business will generate and the happier your boss will be with you!

Ensuring that your ad campaigns are optimized and set up properly will definitely play its role in conversion rate growth.

Following these simple steps will allow you to create Facebook ads with a low conversion rate for any business.

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