Exclusive Q1 2024 offer:
Get Retail Analytics for FREE!

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  • Once connected your insights will be ready in a day and we'll email you when it’s ready.


Prime Analytics gives you visibility and recommendations on all your eCommerce operations

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Unlock the insights you need to succeed.

Retail Analytics Dashboard:
In-Depth Performance Insights

- Understand your business better with automated reporting, intuitive insights, and a 360° view of your KPI's.
- Get actionable recommendations you can use easily implement to drive growth.
- FREE for you until March 31st 2024!


Uncover your Competitive Edge

- A quick, automated comprehensive eCommerce analysis of your key metrics against industry benchmarks. 
- Easy to digest in a PDF or PPT format
- Plus completely FREE for Optily users!

Core Offerings:
The Conjura Advantage

- Free Consultation to review your eAssessment or show you how to unlock and action insights from Retail Analytics.
- In-app guidance, live chat and dedicated help center to ensure full value.
- Exclusive 25% off following trial.

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