Optily Shorts: The post-iOS 14 world of ads

How will iOS 14.5 and changes to mobile privacy impact ads?

Everyone is talking about iOS 14.5 since it’s been released on Monday. The App Tracking Transparency feature is out now and apps need to ask permission to track users.

Our Chief Product Officer, Keith O’Reilly, and Greg Sterling, VP of Market Insights at Uberall, got to talking about what these changes could mean in the long term.

The main takeaways from their iOS 14 chat are:

  • The big ad platforms–Google, Facebook, Amazon etc.–will be the real winners
  • Since third-party tracking will soon end, the first-party data aggregators will consolidate power in advertising
  • Consumers will have more privacy, but will be served up more irrelevant ads
  • In order to entice users to allow more targeting, platforms will need to be more transparent about the data they’re collecting

Greg and Keith chat more about local ads, Google My Business, and making it easy for your customers to shop on the next episode of Optily Radio. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out!

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