Facebook Ads vs Optily: Do I need both?

Facebook Ads are incredibly powerful in propelling your brand message to a huge audience. If you’re already using Facebook’s native CBO, do you need Optily too?

Facebook Ads are a great tool for getting eyes on your brand, promoting your products, and funneling people to your online store. There’s simply no way of getting around the statistics that make this platform’s user-base so vital for eCommerce success:

  • 2.8 billion are on it per month
  • Users are young–but not too young to not have disposable income
  • High-income earners overwhelmingly use it
  • Ads are cheap–the average CPC is just $0.43

That being said, it can be confusing to navigate Ads Manager and optimize your campaigns for the highest impact. So, would you benefit from using Opily along with Facebook’s native optimization tool?

In the spirit of cutting to the chase and skipping the BS (as we like to do here), we’ll go over 3 key questions. These will help you decide if you’re good with Facebook Ads on its own or would benefit from a solution like Optily.

How many campaigns are you running? 📊

Facebook’s native Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) will, as the name suggests, optimize your campaign budget across your ad sets. You won’t be setting a budget for each of your ad sets. Instead, you let CBO shuffle around the total campaign budget to the ad sets that are performing the best for you.

If you’ve only got one campaign running, then CBO can optimize that one campaign’s ad sets pretty well on its own. However, as you may have guessed since CBO only operates within a set campaign, it’s not able to move budgets from one campaign to another.

Especially if you are running campaigns outside of Facebook–say on Youtube and Google Display–you’ll want a solution, like Optily’s OptiGroups, that allows you to optimize multiple campaigns against each other for the same goal.

How much time do you have? ⏲️

Most marketers we’ve talked to spend about 6-8 hours a week on ad optimization! Now, this figure will vary depending on the complexity of your campaigns and how many channels you’re optimizing against–but long story short, it takes a while.

If you’ve got the flexibility in your schedule to spare up to a couple of hours a day, then you can probably continue working with Facebook on its own for now. But if you, like most marketers in SMBs these days, are strapped for every minute of your day, you might want to consider a solution like Optily’s single-click ad spend optimizer.

Our platform can instantly analyze your campaigns and help you spend your ad dollars where they matter most. Your recommendations can be applied straight from our platform, so you don’t even have to log in to Ads Manager just to apply a small budget change.

What’s your monthly ad budget? 💰

As your budget grows, the daily adjustments made to your ad campaigns make more of an impact. If you’re spending a few hundred dollars, up to a couple thousand a month, you’re likely not going to see a huge impact on your ads with an optimization automation tool.

However, as your company starts to grow and you’re looking at several thousand dollars or more in ad spend per month, a platform like Optily will really come in handy. With the higher potential for waste that comes with bigger budgets, the optimization recommendations and automation you can toggle will be able to bring you a much bigger return on ad spend (ROAS) with the same (or lower) overall budget.

Not to mention, our flat $299 monthly fee will be just a drop in the bucket once you start seeing ROAS percentage bumps in the triple digits (which could be in just weeks, if past experiences are anything to go by).

At Optily, we prefer to show, rather than tell. Here are a couple of customer successes that really show the power of the Optily platform. 

Image Wash Products 🚛

Optimizing Facebook against Google

Michigan-based truck cleaning supplier, Image Wash Products, simply needed their existing ads optimized automatically. They turned on Optily’s automated recommendations and got a double-digit percentage boost to their ROAS within just one day!

After the first two weeks of their campaign, they ended up with a whopping 169% increase in ROAS!

Smartbox 🎁

Facebook’s CBO vs Optily tech

Europe’s leader in gift experiences, Smartbox, approached our managed-service team to help boost their Facebook and Instagram performance. The Optily tech team ran an A/B test against CBO to see how much of an impact it would have on their numbers.

The results over just 6 weeks were pretty awesome if we do say so ourselves:

  • 3.4x return on ad spend bump
  • 12.3x increase in new net customers
  • 5.6x improvement in sales life

So, do you need Optily?

Optily is built upon this foundation of established capability in Facebook Ads optimization from a decade of supplying tech solutions to major agencies and global advertisers. If you’re looking to save time on analyzing and optimizing several bigger-budget campaigns (spending $2,000+/mo across just Facebook and Instagram, or beyond with Google Ads), then you’ll want to try out Optily in conjunction with Facebook CBO.

If your company is seeing a significant potential for growth, you might want to free up your in-house marketing team for strategy, content, and more creative stuff. Our dedicated Optily experts will work with your team on day-to-day campaign management, deploying our automated tech solutions, and setting up all the bits on the back-end.

Get in touch with Will from our Strategy Squad, and he’ll walk you through our platform and service options to see if we’re a good fit for your business in just 15 minutes.

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