Five Bullet Friday: Bálint Biró

Meet Bálint Biró, Principal Engineer at Conjura. Discover his love for fantasy novels, crypto research, and projects.

Meet Bálint Biró – Part-time game developer and Full time Principal Engineer at Conjura.

– What I’m reading / watching / listening to:

I’m a sucker for a good fantasy novel and my all time favorite is The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. It’s a trilogy (though the 3rd book hasn’t been released yet) that’s designed to be read multiple times. There are hidden secrets and nuggets all around just waiting to be found. I’m on my 15th or 16th reread this time around…Just hoping that we’ll get the third book at some point!

I also spend quite a bit of time just reading cryptocurrency whitepapers (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, etc) and tech blogs (mostly the blog from Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin and IOHK (Cardano) research papers). I’m trying to gather a better picture of the utilities of crypto and how we – as a society – might leverage it, all the while navigating through the complex ethical issues it presents.

– Interesting work happenings: 

Having spent the last three months building out the first version of our automated e-commerce benchmarking offering, I’m super excited to see how we will evolve in the next few months. All I can say for now is that things are looking rather interesting!

– Work shoutouts: 

I’d like to give a massive shoutout to the whole Benchmarking team for doing what seemed impossible a year ago. It’s been a gigantic undertaking going from a bespoke, service-based consultancy to a standardised and automated e-commerce focused SaaS product. Ultimately through years of hard work we’ve been able to identify the overlap of what every e-commerce brand needs to grow consistently and we’ve had loads of learnings along the way!

– What I’m learning about:

As of recently I got intrigued by the idea and utilities of decentralised networks going way beyond just cryptocurrencies. I even started a blog series on exploring how we could actually harvest this technology and why the current implementations are, in my opinion, the incorrect way of going about them. I hit a bit of a hiatus in recent times due to major life events, but I’m now getting ready to get back into it and explore it further.

– People who are inspiring me:

To be honest, I find all kinds of people inspiring. Whether it’s the single mother working multiple jobs to provide for her kids, or the 5 year old doing his best to learn what 1+2 means. As long as someone has an insatiable curiosity and drive, I’ll feel inspired to be around them.


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