Five Bullet Friday: Karen Sheehy

Meet Karen Sheehy, mother, podcast-lover, and IT Coordinator at Conjura. Discover her interests in TV, podcasts, Git learning, and inspirations.

Meet Karen Sheehy, mother, podcast-lover and IT Coordinator at Conjura.

  • What I’m watching / listening to:
    Currently watching the last series of Parks and Recreation on Netflix. Anyone who’s watched it will be familiar with Treat Yo ‘self a motto which I now live by and refer to regularly when my husband questions my purchases or other expensive decisions. Podcasts are what I am listening to. I LOVE podcasts while I am out walking my dog or doing the daily school run. I use them to switch off from life. My therapist Ghosted Me is my absolute favourite, but I also love The Good Glow and Laughs of Your Life.
  • Interesting fact Im enjoying:
    Having a 7 year old boy means my life is FULL of interesting facts daily. Most recently my favourite one is this – It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. You tried it didn’t you? It’s hard not to test this one I know I can’t do it but I still tried just incase…I have lots of super interesting things in the pipeline for the coming months. As the IT role is a new role there is so much scope for new processes and improvements.
  • What I’m learning about:
    Most recently I have been introduced to Git. While I had been exposed before I never really needed to do anything with it coding wise. I have a way to go but plan to start scheduling some learning time over the next few weeks to catch up on some good tutorial recommendations. The good thing here at Conjura is that there is already a wealth of knowledge on this topic and the team here always make time to sit down and offer help.
  • People who are inspiring me:
    I am inspired daily by all the brilliant women around me here in Conjura, by my friends; working, raising families, keeping homes, working out, trying to keep it it all going. I am inspired by the very strong and loving women in my own family, my aunts and my wonderful mother who is a true role model to me. But my biggest inspiration is my Grandmother Joan, 90 years young this September. She is a positive, open minded person who has so much love for her family. She worked hard all her life and instilled in us all the importance of hard work. She inspires me to live a good life where work life balance is key, work to live, don’t live to work!


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