3 Content Automation Tools that will enhance your business

3 Content Automation Tools that will enhance your business
These 3 Content Automation Tools are an incredibly effective way to free up time and help you to produce higher-quality, traffic-driving content.

If you are a long-time Optily blog reader, then you are probably aware that we love automation here! And rightfully so.

Automation is a wonderful tool that is available to each and every marketer to make their life easier and more productive. If you’re spending more time finessing technical SEO or answering DMs than focusing on growing your business, then it’s time you get into the automation game. On average 51% of companies take advantage of digital marketing automation tools.

Content creation requires skill, creativity, and passion. There’s no doubting that. However, some of the more repetitive content tasks are time-consuming such as posting, scheduling, copy checking, and much more. By utilizing content automation tools, you can free up your content creator’s time so that they can really shine!

In this article, we will discuss 3 Content Automation Tools that will greatly enhance your business!

What are Content Automation Tools?

Content automation tools are no different from the other automation tools that we discussed in 3 Ways Automation Will Help Scale your Online Sales. It is a set of tools that automate mundane manual content processes. These tools can be used at every stage of the content lifecycle. They are designed to allow you to focus on more important tasks while ensuring the necessary, yet repetitive jobs are carried out properly.

What can Content Automation Tools do for you?

You’ve heard that these automation tools can be incorporated at every stage of the content lifecycle, but what can they really do? Below is a list of examples of some of the amazing jobs that can be automated:

  • Marketing funnel creation
  • Post scheduling
  • Relevant topic generation
  • Proofreading
  • SEO optimization
  • Identifying keywords
  • Budget optimization

Whether it’s scheduling out social media posts to engage with your audience at the right time or optimizing your content to appear on Google’s first page, most companies use content automation tools in one form or another.

3 Content Automation Tools that will Enhance your business!

Automation can assist businesses in many areas of content ideation. This is done by facilitating content creation, content distribution, and post-analysis of the content’s performance. If you want to be a cutting-edge business, you need to equip yourself with the best content automation tools. 

But be careful! Often the better-known automation tools are the ones that look lazy or ungenuine.

Here is a list of three of our favorite content automation tools that will take your business to the next level.

Copy Shark

Copy Shark is a copywriting software that can generate Facebook and Google ad copy, eCommerce product descriptions, sales copy for your business, and much more.

As the company describes itself, “It’s like having your own team of writers working around the clock to create unlimited ad copy for you.

Any piece of content that you can think of, Copy Shark can create for you. The tool creates genuine, unique, and optimized copy to ensure the best results for your business. 

The tool functions in all major languages including:

  • English 
  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Italian etc.


INK is a free SEO writing assistant. It uses AI software to improve your content’s traffic potential by understanding what your audience wants, and how Google interprets various forms of content.

The company boasts that using their software makes you, “4x more likely to rank”  with your content. 

INK is what you’d imagine would come about if you combined Grammarly, Semrush SEO writing assistant tool, and Yoast SEO into one program.

The major benefits of INK include:

  • It’s a completely free software
  • It’s a downloadable program that can be used offline
  • A distraction-free user interface

Zoho Social

Zoho Social is a powerful social media management tool that aids businesses in growing their presence on social media platforms.

It incorporates versatile scheduling and publishing features combined with its solid analytics making it one of the most popular content automation tools for social media managers. The solution is aimed at small to midsize businesses (SMBs).

Zoho Social’s feature set provides automation tools for publishing, monitoring, and analyzing content across all major social media platforms, including;

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Google My Business

The broader Zoho suite also provides other added benefits such as social listening capabilities and in-depth data reporting.

The Power of Automation

Automation is a tool that can be utilized throughout your business, not just on the content side of things. 

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Content automation is an incredibly effective way to free up time by removing manual processes from your workflows and helping you to produce higher-quality content. However, choosing the right tools at the right time is essential to keep your content genuine and unique. Spammy or fake content will hurt your business’s SEO ranking hugely, as discussed in The Complete Guide To eCommerce SEO.

The three best content automation tools that we’ve found are mentioned above, but naturally, there are many more. Take this list as a starting point to explore how content automation tools can greatly improve your SEO ranking and ROAS.

Do you have a favorite content marketing automation tools that we missed? Let us and other readers know by commenting on our social media!

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