Kick Start 2021 – eCommerce Style

Kick Start 2021 - eCommerce Style
Smash your marketing goals in 2021 by starting the year on the right foot.

So we’ve reached mid-January. January 1st came along and everyone ran outside to exercise like crazy. New Year, New You of course! And, well, that quickly came to a conclusion on January 3rd, as it does every year. Let’s be honest, we all knew it wouldn’t last.

But now that we’re past that, we can start making some real changes. Some exciting changes that will actually last the test of time! I’m talking about changes to your business. After the stress of 2020, there’s no better time to revamp your business and get 2021 started on the right foot.

To help you kick start your eCommerce marketing process, our experts here at Optily have made a list of some creative and eye-catching tips just for you.

#1 Set your marketing goals for this year

First things first. You and your business need to know exactly what to aim for this year. Having well-defined and clear goals makes them much more attainable. So take some time now, at the very beginning of the year to make sure your business is aligned on its goals and that your marketing plan is solidified.

2021 is going to be busier than ever, so to make sure you stay on track and hit your revenue goals set a plan early.

#2 Re-visit 2020

I know this is the last thing anyone wants to do. Imagine the horror of re-living 2020 all over again! But from a business perspective, it’s one of the best things you can do. Looking back over last year’s data will allow you to to see what worked and what didn’t work in all areas of your business, especially marketing.

There’s not much else to do in the dull weather of January, so why not look through the data to find information that could prove to be useful building blocks for your business this year?

Let’s look back on five simple things:

  • Which marketing campaign drove the most leads for you?
  • Which piece of content performed best for you?
  • What new idea brought your business new customers?
  • What form of outreach got the most engagement from potential customers?
  • What aspect of your business didn’t perform to your expectations?

Check out our blog on the Major Social Media Statistics 2020 for a look back on how to world of eCommerce and digital marketing grew over the year.

#3 Customer Loyalty

Although business may have quieted down over the holidays, make sure you let your customers know you’re back up and performing better than ever. You don’t want to lose a single customer that you worked so hard to gain last year, so even a quick note can help bring your business back to the forefront of their minds.

January is also a great time to acquire new customers. Everyone is looking for something new and exciting to improve their year, so make your business that thing!

#4 Online Spring Cleaning

As well as cleaning up your office space, consider cleaning up your online presence for the new year. Take a step back and approach your business from the point of view of a brand new customer. What do they see?

Perhaps your Google My Business could do with a touch-up? New phone number, maybe? New location? January is the perfect time to do all these little bits to keep a clean flow for your business’s online presence.

#5 Upcoming Events

In business, the holidays are never over. Be certain that your customers know that too. Just because Christmas is over doesn’t mean sales and festivities are. With days like President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and Mardi Gras coming in the next few weeks, there’s plenty to get behind and celebrate.

Stay festive, stay on theme with the current events, maybe even offer some cheeky sales, and your business will no doubt stand out from the crowd.

Keep your eyes on this blog because next week we’re going to share an ultimate 2021 marketing calendar!

#6 Website Optimization

With more and more businesses moving online, it’s essential that you keep your website optimized for all devices. Nobody likes to wait, and having a slow website can be unbearable to customers. Not only does it present an image of a slow and disorganized business, but it can also affect purchasing decisions.

This year, it’s more important than ever to make website optimization a priority. Implementing a few simple conventions to your eCommerce website can greatly increase your conversion rate with customers. Why not these three simple tricks and watch your eCommerce store grow:

  • Include breadcrumb navigation
  • Secure the website with HTTPS security
  • Have clear & uncluttered pages

#7 Plan Ahead

While I wouldn’t fully bank on predictions, many of the most researched predictions for digital marketing trends can be extremely informative and help you get ahead of the curve. Knowing what customers might like in the future, allows you to position your business to be in the right place when the time is right.

Check out blogs such as Seven Digital Marketing Trends For 2021 from Forbes to stay informed.

#8 Best Ad Optimization Platform 2021

Ad spend is a word at the tip of every marketer and every marketer’s boss’s tongue. We all want to increase money coming into our business while reducing expenditure out. However, reducing ad spend used to mean a lower level of engagement for online business.

But that’s a thing of the past!

In 2021, the smart way to optimize and improve your ad spend is with The Only eCommerce Single Click Ad Spend Optimizer, Optily. This  intelligent and innovative technology connects all your online ad accounts and, with just a single click, helps you make the most of your advertising budget. No more wasting time or money!

Less Stress, More eCommerce Success

By implementing these ideas early in the year you can reduce future stress for your business and get a jump start on 2021! While everyone else is out there trying to cancel their free trial in the gym, you can get out there and kick start 2021!

Happy new year!

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