Making the Most of Your Amazon Product Listings

Making the Most of Your Amazon Product Listings
Create top-class Amazon product listings with these expert tips to boost visibility and drive incredible sales in 2021!

If there’s one company that dominates global eCommerce it’s Amazon. In 2020, a year where the pandemic affected so many businesses negatively, Amazon made a staggering $367.19 billion in sales. 

That’s over 40% of all US eCommerce sales! 👀

So there’s no doubt that Amazon is lucrative, however, for eCommerce businesses using the platform to sell their product, it’s also very crowded. 

This article is designed to provide you top tips and tricks to stand out on Amazon. With these tactics, you’ll be able to maximize your listings’ visibility to achieve the highest return for your investment!

There are over 1.5 million active sellers on Amazon, so let’s find out how to make you the one in 1.5 million!

What are Amazon Product Listings?

An Amazon product listing is the information page for each product sold on Amazon. I’m sure we’ve all seen them a million times! The listing usually includes product information, such as:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Price
  • Product Photos
  • Customer Reviews

Amazon listings play a big role in whether a customer will buy a product or not.

A poor listing page will have potential customers quickly clicking away and bringing their business elsewhere. However, a well-optimized Amazon product listing can help your product stand out from all the others!

What To Put In Your Amazon Product Listing?

There are 6 key features that should be included in every listing. Customers expect to see each of these elements to learn more about the product and make an informed decision to buy the product.

These essential components are:

  • Product title
  • Images of the product
  • Product description
  • Key features of the product
  • Customer reviews
  • Customer star ratings

If you are new to the Amazon marketplace, then this is definitely the best place to start. Make sure your product listing has each of the above elements included. Use clear and concise language, and be accurate! Having misinformation or inaccurate information will result in more hassle in the form of complaints and returns in the long run.

5 Tips to Improve Your Amazon Product Listings and Sell More Products!

#1 – Spend time improving your product page

Your product page is the customer’s opportunity to virtually feel, touch, and inspect your product. You need to provide detailed and accurate content for the customer. From the proper words to professional photos, you are trying to mimic an in-store experience. 
Some things you should consider improving or including are:
  • Use high-quality photos from all angles
  • Use optimized keywords
  • Include a video of your product being used

#2 – Enroll in Amazon’s Brand Registry

Amazon’s Brand Registry is a way of validating your company on the website. It is designed to allow sellers to have full control over their product pages providing detailed reporting and editing capabilities. It provides access to a suite of tools to help build and protect your brand.

Another perk exclusively offered to Brand Registry businesses is Amazon A+. This feature allows you to enhance your product descriptions with unique layouts, images, and videos.

#3 – Optimize Your Product Listings with SEO

You might be thinking,  “Why does SEO matter on Amazon?”. SEO is essential to attract your target audience and casual buyers to your listing. Including keywords and keyphrases will allow both customers who are searching Amazon and those who are browsing the internet elsewhere to find your listing.

You can learn all about SEO optimization and SEO to fully optimize your product listings in our other article, The Complete Guide to eCommerce SEO.

#4 – Be Different! 

The whole point of this article is to make your product listing stand out from the crowd. To do this you have to be one step ahead of your competitors.

For maximum visibility on Amazon, your listings need to stay ahead of competitors’ products. We recommend that you periodically conduct a competitor analysis to see how customers are interacting with their products. The more you know, the more you can improve your product listing.

Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to be unique on Amazon as each listing has to follow Amazon Marketplace rules. Although this may be the case you can still use high-quality engaging content to attract customers. Many customers will research a product thoroughly before purchasing meaning you should leverage your website and other marketing channels alongside your Amazon listings.

#5 – Partner With Relevant Influencers

As all of us in the advertising industry know, influencer marketing can be a very effective method of getting your product in front of the right pair of eyes. Having a prominent individual in the industry promote your product listing, shows consumers that your product listing is worth checking out.

If you’ve never worked with influencers before but think it sounds interesting check out our blog, Does My Business Need Influencers? to see if it’s right for you!

#Extra Tip! – Maintain Strong Product Ratings 🌟

I don’t know if you’ve ever bought a product online…actually, I know you have! And have you ever bought a 1-star reviewed product? Of course, you haven’t.

We know buyers are browsing through thousands of similar products to yours when they are shopping. We also know they won’t settle for items that seem low-quality. 

You can promote reviews by following up with previous customers to leave a review after they have bought your product. A good way to incentivize this is to offer a discount on the next purchase if they leave an honest review.

We know you’re a 5-star business, so make sure they know too!


In this article, we focused on quick and powerful tricks to boost your Amazon product listings. However, if you have many products it may take a little while to implement all of these tips. My advice is to start by focusing on your best-selling products first and go from there.

Taking the time to optimize your Amazon products listings will greatly benefit your eCommerce business. These surefire tips are guaranteed to help your product listings to become more visible.

At the end of the day (and the end of the blog!) it simply comes down to creating excellent and relevant information for your customer and making sure to optimize it the best you can.

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