Optily’s New Ranked Recommendations Explained

Optily's New Ranked Recommendations Explained
Learn more about what makes Optily's New Ranked Recommendations one of the most powerful advertising tools available to businesses!

I am so excited for this blog, where I can finally showcase the amazing new ranked recommendation system from Optily!

Our product and development teams have been working crazy hard for the last few months building this incredible new tool.

Now it’s my pleasure to be able to put them in the spotlight as they deserve!

What are Optily’s New Ranked Recommendations?

Whether you’re a loyal Optily customer already or you’re just here thinking “hmm…this sounds interesting–convince me!” I hope you’ll be as excited as we are about this new tool.

Previously, our customers were able to choose single-metric-oriented ad campaigns. These were options such as:

  • ROAS
  • CPC
  • CPM

While these metrics provided our clients with fantastic results, we wanted more! We wanted to offer you even more!

Hence, the birth of Optily’s New Ranked Recommendations. 

This new model allows for even more granular objectives to qualify the success of your ad campaigns.

With weighted recommendations, you can choose a primary objective while also considering other important metrics for your campaign.

OptiGroup Ranked Recommendations

The recommendations are split into various OptiGroups to offer you the best solution for your needs at any point in the advertising funnel. 

At the top of the funnel, we have Optimize Visibility which focuses the campaign on receiving as many impressions as possible. Following that, at the middle of the funnel, is Optimize Cost-Effective Traffic which focuses on clicks. At the bottom of the funnel is Optimize Revenue, a model aimed at increasing revenue as high as it will go (and then even higher!)

Let’s have a look at how these OptiGroups break down even further.

Optimize Visibility (Impression Focused)

  1. CPM (Cost per Impression)
  2. CTR (Click through Rate)
  3. CPC (Cost per Click)
  4. Total Impressions
  5. Total Clicks

Optimize Cost-Effective Traffic (Clicks Focused)

  1. CPC
  2. CTR
  3. Channel reported ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
  4. Total Clicks
  5. Total Impressions

Optimize Revenue (Revenue Focused)

  1. Channel reported ROAS
  2. CPC
  3. CTR
  4. Total Channel reported Revenue
  5. Total Clicks

There is also one other option specifically for customers who connect their Optily account with Google Analytics. If this is something that your business would be interested in, check out Optily vs Google Analytics: Is there a difference?

Google Analytics 

  1. Channel reported ROAS
  2. Analytics reported ROAS
  3. Conversion Rate
  4. AOV (Average Order Value)
  5. CTR
  6. Total Clicks
  7. Total Channel reported Revenue
  8. Total Analytics reported Revenue

What does “Ranked Recommendations” mean?

This is an innovative and effective method for driving more efficiency from your ad campaigns. The weighted approach allows you to set a key objective, while not neglecting other important metrics that the algorithm should also take into account.

It’s innovative tech, with non-binary human thinking behind it.

Optily decided on a 90/10 split between primary and secondary metrics. We qualify the success of the campaigns with previous and/or future engagements.

e.g. When Optimize Visibility is selected we focus on CPM (which is a critical metric for that objective), however, we also consider CTR which is more important for a middle-of-funnel campaign. If we can find a top of the funnel that is also driving quality clicks then we are able to find a more engaged audience. It’s choosing the best metrics for a fully optimized campaign!

Why were Ranked Recommendations created?

Optily’s New Ranked Recommendations were created because we listen to our clients.

We listened and realized that our clients wanted more manual and granular control over their ad campaigns. We wanted to provide even more transparency around key metrics and allow our customers to take full control over their ads. 

The single metric system is still available to all new and existing customers. However, if you want to experience a new way to make your ROAS really skyrocket, then we recommend trying to new Ranked Recommendations! 🚀


We’re super excited about this new product and we hope all our customers will be too!

If you aren’t a customer yet, why not try Optily – The Only Single Click Ad Spend Optimizer today with a 14-day free trial! You don’t even need a credit card to sign up and start seeing amazing increases in your ad campaign results.

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