TikTok Ad Formats and Recommendations in 2022

TikTok Ad Formats
A complete guide to TikTok ad formats, specifications, and recommendations so that your business can crush its TikTok advertising in 2022.

TikTok Ad Formats & Recommendations in 2022

TikTok has been a revolution for the advertising industry. Although short format video content has been around for many years, TikTok has caused a massive increase in its usage for digital advertising.

TikTok currently boasts over 800 million active users worldwide and claimed the prize of #1 most downloaded app in 2021!

In terms of audience, TikTok definitely leans more towards younger people and specifically females. Its Gen Z audience base is expected to surpass that of Instagram in just 3 years.

Knowing how to effectively advertise on TikTok is going to be essential for your business in just a few years. However, today we’re going to get ahead of the curve. 

We’ve already looked at How to launch your first TikTok ad so now we’ll look into the top TikTok ad formats and provide some recommendations to make your ads stand out!

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TikTok Advertising

Setting up an ad campaign for your business is easy.

Once you’ve signed up to the platform it’s and set up your TikTok Ads Manager there are 3 steps to creating your ad:

  1. Campaigns
  2. Ad Groups
  3. The Ad itself

We’ve already spoken about numbers 1 and 2 in our blog, How to launch your first TikTok ad. That’s why today we’ll focus on the ad itself, more specifically the formats and specifications that you should use to ensure your ad works as you want it to.

TikTok Ad Formats that are covered in this blog

TikTok Ad Formats in 2022

There are two main types of TikTok ads: videos and images. We’ll focus on them in-depth as they are the most commonly used for businesses to advertise.

However, there are also less commonly used ad types such as, Spark Ads, Playable Ads, and Carousel Ads which we’ll also explore.

➡️ TikTok Video Ad Formats

TikTok Video Ad Specs

  • Title: 1 – 40 half-width characters including punctuation and spaces
  • Description: 1 – 100 Latin characters. Emojis and some special characters–“{ }” and “#” cannot be used
  • Aspect ratio: 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9
  • Resolution: ≥540 x 960px, ≥640 x 640px, or ≥960 x 540px.
  • File type and size: .mp4, .mov, .mpeg, .3gp, or .avi. Must be less than 500MB
  • Video duration: 5 – 60 seconds (9 – 15 sec recommended)
  • Bitrate: ≥516 kbps

News Feed App Series Video Ad Specs

  • Title: 1 – 40 half-width characters including punctuation and spaces
  • Description: 1 – 100 Latin characters. Emojis and some special characters “{ }” and “#” cannot be used
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 or 1:1
  • Resolution: No restrictions but TikTok suggests ≥720 x 1280px, ≥640 x 640px, or ≥1280 x 720px
  • File type and size: .mp4, .mov, .mpeg, .3gp, or .gif. Must be less than 500MB
  • Video duration: No limit but TikTok suggests short videos of between 5 – 60 seconds
  • Bitrate: ≥516 kbps

➡️ TikTok Image Ad Formats

TikTok Image Ads

  • Title: 1 – 40 half-width characters including punctuation and spaces
  • Description: 12 – 100 Latin characters. Emojis and some special characters “{ }” and “#” cannot be used
  • File type and size: JPG or PNG. No size restriction but ≥ 500KB is recommended
  • Resolution: No restriction but ≥ 1200 x 628 px is recommended

Other TikTok Ad Formats

➡️ Spark Ads

Spark Ads were introduced in July of 2021 and are an innovative format that enables you to amplify organic content from creators on the platform featuring your brand. This allows the brand to build a large amount of authenticity as the creative that you are promoting is actually an organic post.

Spark Ads follow the same specifications as Video Ads.

➡️ Playable Ads

Playable Ads are interactive ads that invite users to take part in a full-screen playable experience, like a preview.

Playable Ads follow the same specifications as Video Ads.

➡️ Carousel Ads

TikTok Carousel Ads allow you to feature multiple images in a slideshow, linking each image to either the same or a unique URL.

  • Title: 12 – 40 half-width characters including punctuation and spaces
  • Description: Max 20 Latin characters. Emojis and some special characters “{ }” and “#” cannot be used
  • File type and size: JPG or PNG. No size restriction but ≥ 500KB is recommended
  • Number of images: Between 2 – 10 images
  • Resolution: No restriction but 640px x 640px (square) or 1200 x 628 px (horizontal) is recommended



If your goal is to reach a diverse and young audience for your business, then TikTok is the best place to be. With dynamic ad opportunities and huge engagement rates (TikTok users spend on average 50 minutes per day on the app!) it really should be a priority!

TikTok is an incredibly useful platform for eCommerce businesses, as shown by the TikTok Shopping: #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt movement.

If you are an eCommerce business and you’re looking to improve your ROAS across the entire advertising world, check out Optily  We can supercharge your eCommerce advertising across the major advertising platforms (TikTok coming soon), so that you achieve ROAS levels that you never thought were possible.

Click the button below to give it a try.

Thanks for reading!🚀

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