How Wild Cosmetics Revolutionised Their Stock Forecasting with Data

Wild Cosmetics optimized their stock forecasting using Conjura’s analytics platform. By integrating product and fulfillment data, they gained daily insights into SKU performance, improving their stock forecasting accuracy and pricing strategy. This enhanced their pick and pack operations, sped up fulfillment, and informed a data-driven discounting strategy, leading to better customer acquisition and retention.

case study

How Wild Cosmetics Revolutionised Their Stock Forecasting with Data

Wild Cosmetics is a UK based subscription business that pioneered plastic-free refillable deodorant in 2019; tapping into a growing demand for a generation that scrutinises waste, unnecessary packaging and potentially harmful ingredients.



The Problem

Poor product visibility with delayed data


With great growth, comes a great amount of data. For Wild, this meant an increasing strain on the team to download, dissect and manage their product data using only excel spreadsheets to visualise performance.This inefficient process meant that the brand struggled to accurately assess how product performance impacted their acquisition and retention in time to meet customer needs.


The Solution

One view of performance for faster decision making 


By unifying their product and fulfilment data into a single source of truth, Conjura’s ecommerce analytics platform highlighted the best and worst performing SKUs on a daily basis, helping Wild to streamline their weekly stock forecasting and design a profitable pricing strategy that supported customer acquisition and their bottom line.


This visibility allowed Wild to keep track of product feedback loops and understand what wasn’t selling quickly enough, enabling Wild to better inform their discounting strategy to move those products faster.

results achieved

Revolutionised stock forecasting

With Conjura’s performance analytics, Wild was able to easily cross reference insights around product mix, customer purchasing behaviour and the previous week’s sales; improving the accuracy of their stock forecasting as well as strengthening their overall product feedback loop.


This 360 view of their products also meant the brand could refine their warehouse pick & pack strategy, by moving their popular items to more accessible locations to significantly speed up the fulfilment process.


the accuracy of stock forecasting


pick & pack strategy


data-driven discounting strategy

Features used


Optily combines attribution data from ad channels and Shopify providing valuable analytics on customer journey performance.


Opportunities to improve ad spend efficiency are surfaced on a daily basis, directly within your Shopify back-office.


Recommendations, backed up with data, can be instantly instantly actioned to save time navigating between ad accounts.


Optily enables you to maximize the ROI from your ad spend with daily alerts on the biggest opportunities to gain.


Optily has partnered with Clearco to provide you with financial tools to grow your business.

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