Growing your Shopify Store with Content Marketing

Growing your Shopify store with content marketing
Shopify content marketing made simple so that you can focus on growing your eCommerce store to new heights in 2022.

Shopify Content Marketing

Content marketing encompasses a wide variety of online activities, everything from social media posts and blogs, to SEO and email marketing. However, it’s also much more that than and it’s an element of your overall marketing plan that you should focus heavily on.

Creating a strong content marketing strategy in 2022 will allow your business to grow more efficiently.

To design an expert plan, optimize marketing distribution and secure more conversions for your Shopify store, keep reading!

Grow your Shopify Store with Content Marketing

Content marketing is all about making a connection with your potential customers. In this day and age, consumers will visit your webpage or social media account up to FIVE TIMES before deciding to make a purchase.

The route that consumers generally take usually goes a bit like this:

  • They discover your business or product
  • The consumer checks out your socials
  • They go away and have a think about your product and business
  • They decide to come back and purchase, or maybe they just forget about you
  • A retargeting ad grabs their attention again and they buy

This is a lot of touchpoints with one consumer for one sale. While this process can vary, it highlights how important our content is to the customer journey through the funnel.

What is Shopify Content Marketing?

According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing is defined as:

“A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Content marketing is a fantastic ‘top-of-funnel’ strategy that can be used to hook new visitors who happen across your Shopify store.

Shopify Learn provides many brilliant short tutorials to get you started down your successful journey of Shopify content marketing! 

Expert Ways to Master Shopify Content Marketing

Here are 5 ways to instantly grow your Shopify store using smart and effectively content marketing!

#1 - Create Unique Content

Nowadays, the internet is flooded with content. Unfortunately, we are seeing a rise in unoriginal and fake content such as fake news.

You may think that there’s so much content out there it’d be too hard to effectively stand out from the crowd, but not really. By creating unique and original content your brand will shine through the sea of unoriginal content and connect with customers.

To do this you need a content strategy focusing on some key areas:

  • What type of content will you create?
  • Who is your target audience and where do they browse online?
  • What problem are your customers facing?

By creating content that solves an everyday problem that your customers face, you can quickly grab their attention. While solving their problem be sure to subtly highlight your product that will solve their problem even easier.

Without pushing your business onto customers directly, you can show them your products would be helpful to them if they decided to purchase.

#2 - Start a Blog

Surely if you’re reading this article then our wonderful blog should be case and point already for this tip. 😉

A blog can be a great way to produce consistent content and engage with potential customers through informative content.

In the blog, you can add and target relevant keywords to rank higher in the SERPs! Blogs also allow you to craft unique and original content for your readers to gain insight into areas they are interested in.

#3 - Utilize the power of Guest Posting

Once you’ve set up your blog you can begin harnessing the power of guest posting. 

This can be done by reaching out to partners, influencers, or higher authority websites. Collaborating on blog posts and whitepapers allows you to have your business name showcased on their website. You can also ask higher authority websites to post a guest post you created on their website and backlink it to your Shopify store.

Speaking of which, we’ve just collaborated on our own whitepaper with two other expert partners in the eCommerce space. Download your free copy of our short new eBook, 2022 eCommerce Business Starter Kit.

2022 eCommerce Business Starter Kit eBook

Build your Shopify store the right way!

Optily, Sift, and Shippo demonstrate ways you can streamline and automate processes that will accelerate your growth in the competitive online landscape.

#4 - Be active on Social Media

Blogs are brilliant for Search Engine Optimization, but many customers nowadays browse more often on social media. Platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Snapchat have all added store functions to their sites and apps showing the trends of where shoppers now shop.

Just look at the #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt trend!

Actively posting original content on social media platforms lets you interact with your customers, new and old. By posting engaging content you can discuss and talk with consumers raising your brand awareness.

This can help bring in new customers by forming a sense of trust and building rapport with old customers. Not to mention the endless possibilities with User Generated Content you can get for almost next to nothing!

#5 - Build positive Customer Reviews

How incredible does a 5-star rating look? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Put yourself in your potential customer’s shoes. When they check out your business seeing glowing reviews and recommendations from previous customers can greatly sway their opinion to buy your product or not. 

Remind customers to review the products they buy afterward. You can follow up with an email marketing campaign or, better yet, include something in the box itself. There are tons of nice options to enhance the opening experience itself, which is when people are most excited and likely to leave a good review.

Remember that reviews can be left on social media accounts, Google My Business listings, or on other third-party sites beyond just your own website. Of course, don’t forget to open a feed to your site so these reviews get seen while people are browsing your wares!

Conclusion - Shopify Content Marketing

With Shopify content marketing always remember – Be consistent, be persistent!

A great content marketing campaign will make you stand out from the crowd and increase the number of conversions on your Shopify store.

By following the advice given in this article and putting the tips to good use you should see instant increases in traffic to your business. From there your unique content and storytelling brand will help secure the sale.

You need to consistently produce and publish high-quality, captivating content to engage your current and potential customers.  Your best results will be obtained when you utilize all of the major online outlets to reach customers. 

Try Optily free today

 To do this you can use Optily – A revolutionary digital ad spend manager.

Optily instantly unifies your Facebook Instagram, Google, and YouTube Ad data, Google Analytics metrics, and Shopify sales data for the ultimate solution to ad spend performance. This is the smart way to manage the distribution of all the amazing content you’ve just created, in just one click!

Optily saves you hours every day and delivers maximum return on your advertising investment. Join our waitlist to be among the first to use our new Shopify App when it launches, or get in touch for a demo and a free trial in the meantime!

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