4 Incredible Tips to Help you Prepare for Black Friday 2021

4 Incredible Tips to Help you Prepare for Black Friday 2021
With Black Friday just around the corner, it's time to start preparing using these ultimate tips to smash your sales goals on the 26th of November!

Can you believe it’s time to start preparing for Black Friday 2021?!

Remember COVID-19? Do you know why it’s called that? Because it originated in 2019! TWO YEARS AGO! Crazy 🤯

Don’t worry from here on out I won’t mention the forbidden “c-word” again. This article is all about Black Friday and how to best prepare your business to absolutely smash your sales goals. 

You’ll remember last year, we released 10 Tactical & Practical Last Minute Black Friday Tips. Well, this year we’re back with bigger and better tips. This year we’ve partnered with FactFinderFordeBaker, and Outfund to give you even more insight and expert opinions.

This is guaranteed to make your 2021 Black Friday the best one yet!

Download your free whitepaper today!

The 2021 Black Friday Toolkit

4 Incredible Tips to Help you Prepare for Black Friday 2021

Friday 26th November 2021

Save this date in your calendar right now, because it is going to be a great day for your business!

Although Black Friday can be a stressful day for some businesses, if you’re properly prepared it can be the most lucrative day of the year. That’s why we’ve been working hard with our partners over the last number of weeks to curate the best possible Black Friday Toolkit in 2021. 

We’ve covered everything you need to know, including:

  • Social Media and Search Ads
  • Campaign Budgeting & Optimization
  • Amazon Marketplace
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Securing Revenue-based financing
This whitepaper is available now as a free download (linked above) with a webinar soon to follow.
For now, I’ve picked out four of my favorite pieces of advice from the Black Friday Toolkit to share with you. Let’s check them out.

Ultimate Black Friday Toolkit 2021 (Sneakpeak)

#1 – Social Media Ads: Build suspense with an exclusive promotion

We all know the buzz and festivities around the holidays. How you find yourself looking forward to that day for weeks beforehand.  Remember as a child, when you’d see something you really wanted but had to wait until Christmas to get it?
This first tip is all about evoking that feeling by building suspense with exclusive promotions.
Begin your Black Friday preparation by targeting relevant people, such as:
  • Customers who’ve added something to their carts
  • People who interacted with you on social media
  • People who visited your website

Ask these people to register on your website in order to be the first ones to receive this exclusive promotion.

Make people feel special and exclusive!

#2 – Search Marketing: Optimize your Merchant Feed

The day before Black Friday is not the day to start getting your ship in around. By then it’s too late!

You need to start looking at your website now, to ensure everything from images, descriptions, and prices are fully optimized.
Take a deep dive into your website’s merchant feed. Ensure every field is complete with up-to-date and correct information, and make sure that every image is optimized and in line with Google and Microsoft guidelines.

By doing this you are giving the Search Engine tools everything they need to properly deliver your ads and claim that valuable Page One slot!

Expert tip: When doing this you’ll also be able to identify your best selling items and you can preemptively ensure you have enough in stock to supply the rush. 

#3 – Campaign Budget & Optimization: Scale your budget accordingly

Did you know that in 2016, Target spent $785,800 in the month of October and a whopping $9,625,100 in November – a 1200% increase!!

While this may be an extreme example, it does prove the point that you should scale your budget in the lead-up to Black Friday.

By adopting a flighting strategy for your budget, aiming to have at least a 2x increase on your usual budget for the Black Friday period, you have the ability to capture more sales.

Having this increase will allow you more flexibility in terms of advertising and creativity to really let your business shine when it matters!

#4 – Amazon Marketplace: Establish clear objectives

If you’re one of the businesses that contributed to over 40% of all US eCommerce sales being on Amazon last year, then you’ll no doubt be looking towards Amazon this Black Friday.

Before you can submit products for Black Friday promotions on Amazon, you’ll need to do some preparation. The two main things you’ll be asked are:

  • How many units are you committing to the sale?
  • What discount do you want to offer?

These plans have to be submitted weeks before the big day. That’s why we’re letting you know now so you don’t miss out on a single opportunity!

Prepping this far in advance also gives you time to understand what your product demand will be and let you stock your inventory.

On the other hand, this means you have to be crystal clear about objectives before submitting the deals. Once the deals are submitted, that’s final with Amazon.

So think about your deals and discounts carefully. Consider things such as:

  • Profit margins
  • Advertising budgets pre, during, and post-Black Friday
  • Sales goals

You have plenty of time if you start now, so be prepared and enjoy the most profitable Black Friday yet!


Black Friday is always a big day for everyone in a business – and 2021 will be no different. 

This mega-day has evolved into an international sales day with consumers from all around the world getting in on the action. Sales have increased 28% year-on-year in the weeks leading up to Black Friday, peaking last year.

This shows that it is more important than ever to be prepared early and be ready for not only a big day on the 26th but a BIG month. 

The full 2021 Black Friday Toolkit with never seen before tips and expert advice from Optily, FactFinder, FordeBaker, and Outfund will be available very soon.

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