6 Ad Formats to Try in 2023

Try these top 6 ad formats to freshen up your business's advertising in 2023 and explore new ways to get your brand in front of customers!

Top Ad Formats to try in 2023

The best ad formats for advertisers are constantly changing depending on consumer behavior.

Disruptors such as TikTok come along and change the playing field in terms of ads, so as marketers, we need to be adaptable.

As we move forward into 2023, it’s important for businesses and marketers to stay up-to-date on the latest ad formats to ensure they’re reaching their target audience in the most effective way possible.

In this blog, we will discuss the top 6 ad formats for your eCommerce business to try in 2023.

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Top Ad Formats in 2023

The Top 6 Ad Formats to Try in 2023 are:

  • Video Ads
  • Interactive Ads
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Shoppable Posts
  • Voice Ads
  • Audio Ads

Today, we’ll take a look at each of these ad formats so you can decide which is best for your business for 2023!

Video Ads

Video continues to be one of the most popular and effective ad formats, with consumers increasingly preferring to watch videos on their mobile devices. They allow businesses to tell a story and showcase their products or services in a visually engaging way.

In 2023, short-form video ads on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram Reels will be particularly effective in reaching a younger audience. These platforms are particularly popular with Gen Z and millennial users and allow businesses to create content that is relatable and engaging. Consider experimenting with short-form video ads, such as TikTok ads or Instagram Reels, to reach a younger audience.

Interactive Ads

Interactive ads, such as gamified ads or quizzes, can help increase engagement and boost brand awareness. They allow the audience to participate in the ad and can make the ad more engaging and memorable.

For 2023, consider creating interactive ads that encourage users to share their results on social media, to further increase reach and engagement.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing where a business partners with an individual who has a large following on social media. This form of marketing continues to grow in popularity, as it allows businesses to reach a specific target audience through a trusted source.

During 2023, consider partnering with micro-influencers in your niche to reach a more engaged and dedicated audience. Micro-influencers typically have a smaller following compared to macro-influencers but their audience is more engaged and dedicated.

Shoppable Posts

Shoppable posts, which allow users to purchase products directly from a post, are becoming increasingly popular on social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest.

In 2023, consider using shoppable posts to drive sales and increase conversion rates. These posts allow users to purchase products directly from the platform without the need to navigate to a website.

Voice Ads

With the increasing popularity of smart speakers and voice assistants, voice ads are becoming a new way for businesses to reach their target audience. Voice ads can be used to promote products and services, and can be triggered by specific keywords or phrases.

In 2023, consider experimenting with voice ads on platforms such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home to reach a new audience. 

Audio Ads

Podcasts and streaming audio have grown in popularity and this trend is expected to continue. Audio ads are a great way to reach a captive audience and can be highly effective in building brand awareness and driving conversions.

In 2023, consider experimenting with audio ads which can be inserted in between podcast episodes or during streaming music to reach a targeted audience.


It’s important to remember that the key to successful ad campaigns is to experiment with different formats and measure the results to find out which formats work best for your business. Keep an open mind, and be ready to adapt to the changing market.

If you’re interested in learning more about tried and tested ad formats check out our blogs All Facebook & Instagram Ad Formats 2022 and A Comprehensive Guide to Google and Youtube Ad Formats 2022.

Optily is always ready to adapt and supercharge ROAS for your Shopify Store at any moment. We can help you improve your eCommerce advertising across the online advertising world. You can try it out yourself, free for 14 days by downloading our app today!

Until next time! 👋

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